To download your Aadhaar card (also known as Aadhaar letter or e-Aadhaar), follow these steps: 1. Visit the official website of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI): 2. On the homepage, under the "My Aadhaar" section, click on the "Download Aadhaar" option. Alternatively, you can directly visit the download page by going to 3. On the "Download Aadhaar" page, you will be asked to select one of the following options: Aadhaar, VID, or Enrollment ID (EID). Choose the appropriate option based on the details you have. - If you have Aadhaar, select "Aadhaar" and proceed with the next steps. - If you have a Virtual ID (VID), select "VID" and enter your VID along with the other required details. - If you have the Enrollment ID (EID), select "Enrollment ID" and enter your EID along with the other required details. 4. Fill in the necessary det...